DARDANUS (version de 1744)
General description
Compositeur : RAMEAU, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764)
Auteur du texte : LECLERC DE LA BRUÈRE, Charles-Antoine (1716-1754)
Création : 21 avril 1744 - Académie royale de musique (Paris)
Genre : Tragédie lyrique (Prologue et 5 actes)
Catalogue : RCT 35B
Synopsis :
Prologue. As Venus sings of pleasures in her kingdom of Cythera, she is interrupted by Jealousy who disturbs the celebrations. Cupid (L’Amour) appeases her, but facts must be faced: love cannot exist without confusion and suspicion. Venus therefore invites them both to join her while exhorting them to moderation.
I. Iphise is in love with Jupiter’s son Dardanus, who proves to be the sworn enemy of her father Teucer, king of Phrygia. The king looks forward to Anténor’s forthcoming victory, the reward for which will be Iphise’s hand.
II. Isménor, a magician and priest of Jupiter, protects Dardanus, who admits his love for Iphise and obtains magic powers: the ability to assume, but only once, the magician’s features. With this ploy he induces the princess to confess her own feelings; but she flees when he reveals his true face. The Phrygians surround and capture him.
III. Discovering Iphise’s love for Dardanus, Anténor decides to do all he can to eliminate his rival.
IV. Isménor warns Dardanus that whoever helps him will pay a high price for his gesture. As a result the hero refuses the freedom offered by Iphise. Finally, Anténor himself, fatally wounded, comes to open the prison doors and warn him about a conspiracy against him. Joined by his troops, Dardanus triumphs over Teucer’s army.
V. Even as a prisoner, Teucer remains inflexible and refuses to bless Dardanus’s marriage with his daughter. The hero nevertheless puts his sword into the king’s hands for him to decide their fate. Teucer finally yields, and Venus descends from heaven to celebrate the lovers’ union.
[Benoit Dratwicki]
1744/4/21 - Académie royale de musique - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
LE MAURE, Catherine-Nicole (1704-1786) [Iphise]
JÉLYOTTE, Pierre de (1713-1797) [Dardanus]
LE PAGE, François (1709-1780 ca) [Anténor]
DECHASSÉ, Claude-Louis-Dominique (1699-1786) [Teucer]
DECHASSÉ, Claude-Louis-Dominique (1699-1786) [Isménor]
FEL, Marie1734-1758 fl. [Vénus]
COUPÉE, Marie-Angélique (1723-1789) [Amour, l']
BÉRARD, Jean-Antoine [Arcas]
FEL, Marie1734-1758 fl. [Phrygien / Phrygienne]
1760/4/15 - Académie royale de musique - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Iphise]
PILLOT [Dardanus]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anténor]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Teucer]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Isménor]
MUGUET, Mr (1757-1780 ca fl.) [Arcas]
DUBOIS L'aînée (1752-1770 fl.) [Vénus]
DUBOIS L'aînée (1752-1770 fl.) [Phrygien / Phrygienne]
1763/10/8 - théâtre (Château) - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Iphise]
JÉLYOTTE, Pierre de (1713-1797) [Dardanus]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anténor]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Teucer]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Isménor]
DUBOIS L'aînée (1752-1770 fl.) [Vénus]
MUGUET, Mr (1757-1780 ca fl.) [Arcas]
DUBOIS L'aînée (1752-1770 fl.) [Phrygien / Phrygienne]
1768/2/4 - Académie royale de musique - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Iphise]
LEGROS, Joseph (1739-1793) [Dardanus]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anténor]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Teucer]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Isménor]
DUPLANT, Rosalie (1745) [Vénus]
MUGUET, Mr (1757-1780 ca fl.) [Arcas]
LEVASSEUR, Rosalie [Amour, l']
DUPLANT, Rosalie (1745) [Phrygien / Phrygienne]
1769/11/9 - théâtre (Château) - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
ARNOULD, Sophie (1740-1802) [Iphise]
LEGROS, Joseph (1739-1793) [Dardanus]
GÉLIN, Nicolas (1726-1810) [Anténor]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Teucer]
LARRIVÉE, Henry [Isménor]
LEMIÈRE, Marie-Jeanne, voir LARRIVÉE1733-1786 [Vénus]
MORIZET [Amour, l']
LEMIÈRE, Marie-Jeanne, voir LARRIVÉE1733-1786 [Phrygien / Phrygienne]
CUVILLIER, Louis-Antoine (-1752) [Garde]
1771/6/18 - Académie royale de musique - DARDANUS (version de 1744)
DUPLANT, Rosalie (1745) [Vénus]
CASSAIGNADE (1763-1780 ca fl.) [Jalousie]
LAURETTE, Mlle de [Suivant / Suivante de la Jalousie]
FLOQUET, Marianne [Suivant / Suivante de la Jalousie]