Rameau and his work

birth in Dijon of Jean-Philippe Ramea...

Rameau and his period

The royal court moves to Versailles;...
Death of Queen Marie-Thérèse.
Beginning of the War of the Reunions...
Lalande, Colasse, Minoret and Goupill...
Première of Lully's Phaéton in the te...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau, having a wife and four c...

Rameau and his period

Truce of Ratisbon, ending the War of...
Création of Amadis by Lully at t...
Death of Pierre Corneille in Paris .
Boileau and La Fontaine elected to th...

Rameau and his work

A document – an agreement leaving the...

Rameau and his period

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Birth of Handel in Halle.  ...
Birth of Domenico Scarlatti in Naples.
Birth of J. S. Bach in Eisenach.
Revival of Lully's Amadis in the temp...
Première of Lully's Roland in the tem...
Lully's Le Temple de la Paix première...

Rameau and his period

Première of Lully's Armide at the Aca...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Desmarest's La Diane de Fontainebleau...

Rameau and his period

Lully's last opera, Acis et Galatée,...
Achille et Polyxène, begun by Lu...
Death of Lully.

Rameau and his period

Beginning of the War of the League of...
Charpentier's David et Jonathas premi...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Birth of Marivaux (Paris).  ...
Death of Quinault (Paris).
La Bruyère's Les Caractères published...

Rameau and his period

Louis XIV orders the silver furniture...
Première of Thétis et Pelée by C...
Birth of Montesquieu (La Brède). ...
First performance of Racine's Esther...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau, appointed organist of No...

Rameau and his period

Première of Énée et Lavinie by C...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Birth of Colin de Blamont in Ver...
Première of Orphée by Louis de L...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau resigns as organist of St...

Rameau and his period

Louis XIV takes Mons.
First performance of Racine's Athalie...
At the age of 8, Rameau is concerned...
Première of Gatti's Coronis at the Ac...

Rameau and his period

Louis XIV takes Namur.
Première of Astrée by Colasse at...

Rameau and his work

Rameau is passionate by musical theor...

Rameau and his period

The birth in previous years of severa...
Première of Charpentier's first opera...
Première of Desmarest's first opera,...
Première of the first opera by L...
Couperin is now organist at the...

Rameau and his period

Campra appointed maître de musiq...
Première of Desmarest's Circé at the...
Première of Élisabeth Jacquet de La G...
Birth in Paris of Voltaire, one of Ra...

Rameau and his period

Birth of Locatelli in Bergamo.
Lalande appointed surintendant o...
Première of Les Saisons by Colas...
Death of La Fontaine (Paris).

Rameau and his work

Rameau attends performances since he...
Première of Colasse's Saisons at the...
Première of Desmarest's Théagène et C...
Première of Desmarest's Amours de Mom...

Rameau and his period

Proclamation of peace between France...
Première of Ariane et Bacchus by ...
Première of Jason ou La Toison d'or b...
Jean-Baptiste de Lully fils appo...
Birth of Blanchard in Pernes-les...

Rameau and his work

Death of Claude Demartinécourt, Jean-...
Jean Rameau named guardian of his six...
Jean Rameau purchases for 2,700 livr...

Rameau and his period

Treaties of Ryswick, ending the War o...
Première of Campra's first opera, L'E...
Première of the first opera by Destou...
Birth of Leclair in Lyon.

Rameau and his work

The inventory drawn up after the deat...

Rameau and his period

FrancÅ“ur born in Paris.  
Retirement of the singer Marthe Le Ro...
Première of Desmarest's Fêtes galante...

Rameau and his work

First official signature of Jean-Phil...

Rameau and his period

Equestrian statue of Louis XIV inaugu...
Première of Campra's first opera, L'E...
Première of Amadis de Grèce by D...
Première of Marthésie, reine des Amaz...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Death of Racine (Paris).

Rameau and his period

The Duc d'Anjou, grandson of Louis XI...
Corelli's opus 5, 12 Suonati a violin...
Première of Canente by Colasse a...
Première of Campra's Hésione at the A...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau returns to his former po...

Rameau and his period

Beginning of the Spanish War of Succe...
Death at Saint-Cloud of the Duc d'Orl...
Vivaldi's opus 1, 12 Sonate dacamera...
Première of Omphale by Destouche...
Jean-Féry Rebel born in Paris. &...
Birth in Lyon of Gautier de Montdorge...
Première of Campra's Aréthuse at the...
Première of Bouvard's Médus roi des M...
Première of Campra's Fragments de Mon...

Rameau and his work

Jean-Philippe Rameau engaged as tempo...
Rameau becomes organist of Clermont C...
His sister, Élisabeth Rameau, marries...
Two months after taking up the positi...

Rameau and his period

Première of Campra's Tancrède at the...
Retirement of the singer Françoise Mo...
Publication in Paris of Raguenet's Pa...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau leaves his position as or...

Rameau and his period

Handel moves to Hamburg.
Première of Ulysse by Jean-Féry Rebel...
Première of Le Carnaval et la Folie b...
At the age of 20, Rameau learns the &...

Rameau and his work

Work on the organ of Notre Dame (last...

Rameau and his period

Première of Iphigénie en Tauride by D...
Death of Charpentier.
Lecerf de La Viéville's Comparaison d...

Rameau and his period

Handel's first opera, Almira, premièr...
Birth of Royer in Turin.  &...
La Barre's La Vénitienne premièred at...
Retirement of the singer Mademoiselle...
Première of La Coste's Philomèle at t...
Première of Campra's Alcine at the Ac...

Rameau and his work

Rameau moves in Vieille-du-Temple str...

Rameau and his work

In Paris, Jean-Philippe Rameau become...
Death of Philippe-Eugène, Rameau's br...
Deeply affected by Philippe-Eugène's...
Charles Guyard replaces Jean-Philippe...
Jean-Philippe Rameau competes for and...
First book of harpsichord pieces, Pre...

Rameau and his period

Handel travels in Italy and settles i...
Création de Polyxène et Pyrrhus de Co...
Première of Alcyone by Marais at the...
Birth in Montauban of Cahuzac, one of...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau alters his will, leaving...
Birth in Paris of  Marie-Louise...
The ‘peasants' duet’ Lucas pour...
Reprint of the Premier Livre de Pièce...

Rameau and his period

Première of Handel's Dixit Dominus in...
Retirement of the dancer Marie-Thérès...
Birth of Corette in Rouen.
Première of La Coste's Bradamante at...

Rameau and his period

Bach moves to Weimar.
Birth of Duni in Matera.
Campra's Hippodamie premièred at the...
Retirement of the singer Mademoiselle...
Birth in Grenoble of Pierre-Joseph Be...
Première of Destouches's Issé (second...

Rameau and his work

Rameau returns to Dijon, where he sig...

Rameau and his period

Première in Venice of Handel's Agripp...
Lalande given full responsibility as...
Colasse dies in Versailles. 
Première of Sémélé, the last opera by...
Birth in Paris of Collé, one of Ramea...
Première of Stuck's Méléagre at the A...

Rameau and his work

Jean Rameau alters his will again, an...

Rameau and his period

Birth of the Duc d'Anjou, future Loui...
Completion at Versailles of the Chape...
Handel moves to Hanover.
Première of Campra's Les Fêtes véniti...
Retirement of the dancer Claude Ballo...
Birth of Favart in Paris.

Rameau and his period

Death of the Grand Dauphin, son of Lo...
Vivaldi's opus 3, L'Estro armonico,...
Mondonville born in Narbonne. 
Début at the Académie royale de...
Death of Boileau in Paris.
Première of Stuck's Manto la Fée at t...

Rameau and his work

Death of Élisabeth de Finance, Jean-P...
In a new will, Jean Rameau leaves his...

Rameau and his period

Deaths of the Duc de Bourgogne (the ‘...
Following the death of the Duc de Bre...
Handel settles in England.
Première of Callirhoé by Destouc...
Première of Campra's Idoménée at the...
Birth of Rousseau in Geneva.

Rameau and his work

Rameau becomes organist of the Domini...
Completion of work on the organ of No...
The Lyon authorities pay Jean-Philipp...
Jean Rameau makes another will, exclu...
Deus noster refugium
Quam dilecta
In Lyon Rameau composes a work for th...

Rameau and his period

Treaties of Utrecht, ending the Spani...
Death of Corelli in Rome.
Destouches appointed general ins...
Birth of Dauvergne in Moulins.&n...
Première of Campra's Télèphe at the A...
Birth of Diderot in Langres.

Rameau and his work

Death of Jean Rameau (rue de la Vann...

Rameau and his period

Birth of C .P .E. Bach in W...
Birth of Gluck in Erasbach .&nbs...
Corelli's opus 6 Concerti grossi, inc...
The Duchesse du Maine initiates her f...
Lalande, as the only sous-maître of t...
Couperin's Concerts royaux published...
Première of Mouret's Les Fêtes de Tha...
Birth in Crépy-en-Valois of Leclerc d...
Première of Matho's Arion at the Acad...

Rameau and his work

Rameau attends the wedding in Dijon o...
Jean-Philippe and Claude-Bernard sign...
The two brothers settle their father'...
Rameau returns briefly to Lyon. 
Payment to Rameau of 700 livres for a...
In Clermont-Ferrand Rameau signs a 29...
Aquilon et Orithie (ca)
Thétis (ca)
L'Impatience (ca)

Rameau and his period

Death of Louis XIV.   ...
Beginning of the Regency.
The royal court returns to Paris.
Première of Les Caractères de la dans...
Birth in Paris of De Valois (kno...

Rameau and his work

Birth of Jean-François, son of Claude...

Rameau and his period

Première of Montéclair's Les Fêtes de...
Première of Bertin de la Doué's Arjax...
Première of Gervais' Hypermnestre at...

Rameau and his period

First (partial) performance of Hande...

Rameau and his work

Rameau's preparatory studies for his...
Première of Camille reine des Volsque...
Voltaire imprisoned in the Basti...
Birth of d'Alembert in Paris.
Première of Mouret's Ariane at the Ac...

Rameau and his period

Failure of the Cellamare Conspiracy a...
Première of Sémiramis by Destouc...
Destouches obtains the reversion...
Première in Paris of Voltaire's Œdipe.
Première of Bertin de la Doué's Jugem...

Rameau and his work

In the foreword to a collection of ai...
Avec du vin endormons-nous publi...

Rameau and his period

Education of Louis XV stepped up with...
Death of Madame de Maintenon at Saint...
Colin de Blamont succeeds J...
Les Plaisirs de la Campagne by B...
In convertendo
Les Amants trahis

Rameau and his period

Rioting in the Rue Quincampois follow...
Louis XV dances in the court ballets...
Première of Les Amours de Protée by&n...
Birth of Bury in Versaiiles.&nbs...

Rameau and his period

Engagement of Louis XV to Mariana Vic...
Birth of the future Marquise de Pompa...
Louis XV dances in Les Éléments, an&n...
Recovery of Louis XV after a series o...
Telemann moves to Hamburg.c.1721 Bac...
Débuts of the dancer Marie Sallé...
Montesquieu's Les Lettres persanes pu...

Rameau and his work

Rameau paid 10 sols 6 deniers for th...
Traité de l'Harmonie réduite à s...

Rameau and his period

Coronation of Louis XV at Rheims Cath...
The royal court returns to Versailles...
Death of the Princess Palatine, mothe...
Bach completes the first part of Das...
Gervais appointed sous-maître of...
Première of Desmarest's last opera, R...
Colin de Blamont appointed surin...
Première in Paris of Marivaux's La Su...
L'Endriague performed at the pup...

Rameau and his period

Louis XV comes of age; beginning of h...
Death of the Duc d'Orléans.
Bach moves to Leipzig.
Bernier and Campra appointe...
Première of Colin de Blamont's Les Fê...
Leclair's Premier Livre de sonates po...
Birth in Bort-les-Orgues of Marmontel...
Voltaire's epic poem La Henriade prin...
Première in Paris of Marivaux's La Do...
Second Livre de Pièces de clavecin&nb...

Rameau and his period

Premières in London of Handel's Giul...
Birth of Balbastre in Dijon.&nbs...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Creation of the "Bourse de Paris...

Rameau and his period

Wedding of Louis XV and Maria Leszczy...
Death of Alessandro Scarlatti in Naples.
Vivaldi's opus 8 violin concertos, Il...
The Concert Spirituel founded by...
The first Concerts de la reine p...
Première of Les Éléments, revised ver...

Rameau and his work

Rameau marries the nineteen-year-old...
Rameau provides his father-in-law, Ja...
Rameau living in rue des Petits-Champs.
Première of L'Enrôlement d'Arlequin,...
Première of La Robe de dissension, Th...
Nouveau système de musique théorique&...

Rameau and his period

Cardinal de Fleury appointed chief mi...
Death of Lalande.
Birth of Philidor, ‘le Grand’. &...
Première of the last opera by Destouc...
Première of the first opera by R...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Destouches appointed surintendan...
Voltaire's second imprisonment in the...

Rameau and his work

Rameau competes unsuccessfully for th...
Birth of Claude-François Rameau, his...
Rameau writes to Houdar de La Motte d...
Rameau living in rue des Deux-Boules...

Rameau and his period

Birth of Mesdames Élisabeth and Henri...
Première in Venice of Vivaldi's Orlan...
Handel becomes a British subject.
Première of Mouret's Les Amours des D...
Birth of Noverre in Paris.
Début at the Académie royale de...
Nouvelles Suites de Pièces de claveci...
Premier Livre de cantates françaises,...
Le Berger fidèle sung at the&nbs...

Rameau and his period

Birth of Piccinni in Bari.
Death of Marais.
Destouches director of the Acadé...
Diderot moves to Paris.  &n...
Montesquieu elected to the Académie F...
Voltaire returns to Paris after...
Première of FrancÅ“ur and Rebel's...

Rameau and his work

‘Examen de la conférence sur la musiq...

Rameau and his period

Birth of the Dauphin, Louis-Ferdinand...
Bach's Matthäus-Passion premièred in...
Le Ballet du Parnasse, a pastiche com...
Birth of Monsigny in Fauquemberg...
Beginning of the controversy between...

Rameau and his work

Quarrel between Rameau and Monté...

Rameau and his period

Work carried out since the court's re...
Birth of Sacchini in Florence.
Campra becomes director of the A...
Pancrace Royer's first opera, Pyrrhus...
Retirement of the dancer Françoise Pr...
Première in Paris of Marivaux's Le Je...

Rameau and his work

(c.1731) Rameau chosen to conduct the...
Rameau living in rue Saint-Honoré.
Rameau works with Voltaire on th...
The quarrel between Rameau and Montéc...
Second Livre de Pièces de clavecin, s...

Rameau and his period

Première of Colin de Blamont's Endymi...
L'Histoire du chevalier des Grieux et...
Edition of Observation sur la méthode...

Rameau and his work

Rameau becomes organist of Ste Croix...
Rameau, described as an ‘excellent ma...
Birth of  Marie-Louise, Rameau's...
Abbé Pellegrin, the future librettist...
Rameau living in rue du Chantre (unti...
Dissertation sur les différentes méth...

Rameau and his period

Birth of Haydn in Rohrau.
Première of Mouret's Le Triomphe des...
Première of Montéclair's Jephté at th...
Première in Paris of Voltaire's Zaïre...
Birth of Beaumarchais in Paris.
Le Parnasse français by Titon du Till...

Rameau and his work

Rameau is the organist in charge of t...
Private performance of Hippolyte...
Première of Hippolyte et Aricie...
Première of Hippolyte et Aricie, a pa...

Rameau and his period

Beginning of the War of the Polish Su...
Louise-Julie de Mailly-Nesle, Comtess...
Première in London of Handel's Orlando.
Domenico Scarlatti settles in Madrid.
Death of Couperin.  
Début at the Académie royale de...
Début at the Académie royale de...
(Jean-Féry) Rebel succeeds Destouches...
Montesquieu's Considérations sur les...

Rameau and his work

Hippolyte et Aricie performed at...
Première of Courses de Tempé at...
Hippolyte et Aricie given at Ver...

Rameau and his period

Bach's Weihnachts-Oratorium first per...
Birth of Gossec in Vergnies. &nb...
Mondonville composes his first grand...
Voltaire's Lettres philosophiques ou...
Première of Indes galantes at th...
Première of La Grenouillère galante,...
Première of L'Opéra Comique, an anony...

Rameau and his period

Outbreak of the Austro-Turkish War (1...
Premières in London of Handel's Ariod...
Johann Christian Bach born in Le...
Première of Mouret's Les Grâces at th...
Première of Campra's last opera, Achi...
Première of Scanderberg by (François)...
Début at the Académie royale de...

Rameau and his work

Rameau moves to rue des Bons-Enfants...

Rameau and his work

L'Agenda du Voyageur mentions Rameau...
Quarrel between Rameau and Père Caste...
Rameau's sacred opera Samson, to a li...
First revival of Les Indes galantes (...
Third edition of the Second Livre de...
Les Indes galantes performed at Versa...

Rameau and his period

Decoration work completed on the Herc...
Première of Boismortier's Les Voyages...
Beginning of the long correspondence...

Rameau and his work

Claude-Bernard Rameau terminates his...
Rameau writes to Hans Sloane (London)...
Rameau opens ‘a school of composition...
Première of Castor et Pollux (fi...
Génération harmonique, ou traité de m...
Les Indes galantes performed at...
Première of Castor et Pollux, parody...

Rameau and his period

C.1737, Leclair's opus 7 Violin Conce...
First stay in Paris and Versailles of...
Telemann, visit to Paris. 
Death of Montéclair in Domont.&n...
Première of Les Éléments, a ‘symphoni...

Rameau and his work

‘Remarques de Mr Rameau sur l'extrait...
Rameau leaves his post as organist of...
Castor et Pollux (first version)...

Rameau and his period

Treaty of Vienna, ending the War of t...
Major works carried out at Fontainebl...
Domenico Scarlatti's 30 Essercizi for...
Blanchard appointed sous-maître...
Daquin appointed organist of the Chap...
Mondonville moves to Paris. ...
Première of Colin de Blamont's Les Ca...
Death of Mouret at Charenton asy...
Birth of Giroust in Paris.  ...
Début at the Académie royale de...

Rameau and his work

Rameau is invited to the meal organis...
Letter to a man named Bazin relating...
Rameau lends the farmer-general Jean-...
Sale for 7,000 livres of the family h...
Première of Fêtes d'Hébé ou Les...
Première of Dardanus (first version)...
Première of Sansonnet et Tonton, an a...

Rameau and his period

With France acting as mediator, the T...
Pauline-Félicité de Mailly-Nesle, lat...
Première in London of Handel's Israel...
Première of Royer's Zaïde, reine de G...
Premature death of the singer Mademoi...
Letter to Bazin.
New letter to Bazin.
Rameau participates to the feast orga...

Rameau and his work

Letter from Rameau to Bazin. &nb...
Birth of Alexandre, Rameau's second s...
Les Fêtes d'Hébé performed at&nb...
Dardanus (première version) give...
Les Indes galantes performed at...
Première of Arlequin Dardanus, a paro...

Rameau and his period

Beginning of the War of the Austrian...
Birth of Paisiello in Roccaforzata.&n...
Bach commences work on Die Kunst der...
Retirement of the dancer Marie Sallé.
Birth of the Marquis de Sade in Paris.

Rameau and his work

Letter from Rameau to Christin (secre...
Pièces de clavecin en concert pu...

Rameau and his period

Death of Vivaldi in Vienna.
Première in London of Handel's last o...
Première in Milan of Gluck's first op...
Handel composes Messiah in London.
Death of Desmarest in Lunéville.
Birth of Grétry in Liège. 
Retirement of the singers Marie Pélis...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Première in Paris of Favart's La Cher...

Rameau and his work

Second edition of Rameau's Dissertati...
First revival of Hippolyte et Ar...
Première of Hippolyte et Aricie, a pa...

Rameau and his period

Marie-Anne de Mailly-Nesle, Marquise...
Première in Dublin of Handel's Messiah.
Première of Mondonville's first opera...
Mouret's Les Amours de Ragonde (libre...
Rousseau moves to Paris.  
Première in Paris of Voltaire's Le Fa...

Rameau and his work

Hippolyte et Aricie performed at...
Third revival of Indes galantes...
Première of L'Ambigu de la Folie ou l...

Rameau and his period

Death of Cardinal de Fleury.
Louis XV decides to govern without th...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Première of Royer's Le Pouvoir de l'A...
Première of Boismortier's Don Quichot...
Retirement of the singer Mademoiselle...

Rameau and his work

Letter from Rameau to Mongeot publish...
Birth of  his daughter Marie-Ale...
Rameau living in rue St Thomas du Lou...
Première of La Rose ou Les Jardins de...
Première of Dardanus (second version)...

Rameau and his period

Illness and recovery of Louis XV, who...
After military campaigns lasting seve...
Death of the Duchesse de Châteauroux.
Première in London of Handel's Semele...
Bach completes the second part of Das...
Death of Campra.   
Mondonville appointed sous-maître of...
Francœur obtains the reversion of Col...

Rameau and his work

Death in Paris (rue St Honoré) of Fra...
Rameau receives a royal pension of 2,...
Rameau registers a life annuity on hi...
Rameau's address is given as rue St&n...
Première of La Princesse de Nava...
Première of Platée ou Junon jalo...
Première of Les Fêtes de Polymnie at...
Première of Le Temple de la Gloire in...
Première of Les Fêtes de Ramire in th...

Rameau and his period

The Battle of Fontenoy, a decisive vi...
Wedding of the Dauphin to his cousin...
At the ‘Bal des Ifs’, a masked ball h...
Manège de la Grande Écurie ...
Première of Zélindor roi des Sylphes...
Death in Paris of Pellegrin, one of R...
Death of Autreau, one of Rameau's lib...

Rameau and his work

Rameau and his wife sign a six-year l...
Revival of Temple de la Gloire a...

Rameau and his period

French victory at the Battle of Raucoux.
Death of the Dauphine.  &nb...
The Marquise de Pompadour asserts her...
Première of Leclair's Scylla et Glauc...
Royer's Premier Livre de pièces pour...
Rameau habite rue de Richelieu chez L...

Rameau and his work

Rameau's first summer stays at La Pou...
Création des Fêtes de l'Hymen et de l...
La Dauphine
First revival of Les Fêtes d'Hébé ou...
Première of L'Essai des talents ou Le...

Rameau and his period

Wedding of the Dauphin to Maria Josef...
Première in London of Handel's Judas...
Bach composes his Musikalisches Opfer.
Death of Jean-Féry Rebel in Paris. 
At Versailles, first performances in...
Première of Boismortier's Daphnis et...
Retirement of the singer Mademoiselle...
First volume of Raynal's Nouvelles li...
Voltaire elected to the Académie Fran...

Rameau and his work

La Pouplinière separated from hi...
Première of Zaïs at the Académie roya...
Première of Pygmalion at the Académie...
Première of Surprises de l'Amour...
Revival of Les Fêtes de l'Hymen et de...

Rameau and his period

Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ending the...
The architect Gabriel makes plans for...
Haydn composes his first mass setting...
Mondonville and Capperan Royer b...
At Versailles, the Théâtre des P...
Première of Royer's Almasis in the Th...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Montesquieu's De l'esprit des lois pu...
Voltaire's Zadig ou La Destinée publi...

Rameau and his work

Les Indes Galantes performed at...
Letter from Rameau to Sainte-Albine a...
Première of Naïs at the Académie roya...
Revival of Platée ou Junon jalou...
Première of Zoroastre (first version)...

Rameau and his period

Première in London of Handel's Music...
The City of Paris takes over the runn...
Death of Destouches.   ...
Death of Clérambault.
Première of Mondonville's Le Carnaval...
Rebel becomes "surintendant de l...
Madame Geoffrin opens her salon in Pa...
Diderot's Lettre sur les aveugles, à...
Philidor's Analyse des échecs publish...
First three volumes of Buffon's Histo...

Rameau and his work

Letters from Rameau to Bernouilli (fe...
Rameau obtains a pension from the Aca...
Balbastre arrives in Paris, wher...
First revival of Platée ou Junon jalo...
Démonstration du principe de l'harmon...
Zoroastre (first version) presented a...
Les Indes galantes performed at...
Prologue and first act of Dardanus (s...

Rameau and his period

Last performances in the Théâtre des...
Death of J. S. Bach in Leip...
Birth of Salieri in Legnano.
Last performances in the Théâtre...
The composer Hasse and his wife Faust...
Retirement of the singer Catherine-Ni...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Voltaire moves to Prussia at the invi...
Letter from Rameau to London Royal So...
Letter from Rameau to London Royal So...
Première of La Guirlande ou Les...
Première of Acanthe et Céphise a...
Fourth revival of Les Indes galantes...
First revival of Pygmalion at the Aca...
Performance at the Concert Spiri...

Rameau and his period

Birth of the Duc de Bourgogne.
Gossec joins La Pouplinière's private...
Retirement of the dancer Marie-Anne C...
Bury obtains the reversion of Rebel's...
First volume of the Encyclopédie ou D...

Rameau and his work

Rameau lives rue de Richelieu, at La...

Rameau and his work

Letter from Rameau to Antoine-René de...
Letters from Rameau to Bernouilli and...
Letter from Rameau to Père Jacquier o...
Acte de notoriété officially setting...
Rameau elected a member of the litera...
Letter from Rameau to the author of ‘...
Rameau works on Linus (never finished...
Nouvelles Réflexions de M. Rameau sur...
Pygmalion performed at Versailles, Co...
Première of La Guirlande sèche ou Les...

Rameau and his period

Relationship between Louis XV and the...
Beginning of the Querelle des Bouffon...
Première of Rousseau's Le Devin du vi...
Second stay in Paris and at Versaille...
Première of Dauvergne's first opera,...
Début at the Académie royale de...
D'Alembert's Eléments de musique théo...
Voltaire's La Pucelle d'Orléans publi...
Death in Paris of Fuzelier, one of Ra...
Letter from Rameau to Mercure de France.

Rameau and his work

Death of Marguerite, Rameau's sister....
Rameau, living in rue Villedot, paris...
End of Rameau's association with La P...
Rameau and his wife attend the perfor...
Première of Daphnis et Eglé in t...
Première of Lysis et Délie in th...
Première of Les Sybarites in the Théâ...
Composition of Zéphyre (c.1753). 
First revival of Les Fêtes de Polymni...
Partial revival of Les Fêtes de l'Hym...
Partial revival of Les Fêtes d'Hébé o...
Prologue and first entrée from Les Fê...
Les Fêtes d'Hébé given at Compiè...

Rameau and his period

Louis XV purchases the Hôtel d'Évreux...
Première of Mondonville's Titon et l'...
Rousseau's Le Devin du village staged...
Première of Dauvergne's Les Troqueurs...
Stay in Paris of the famous castrato...
Retirement of the singer Marie-Angéli...
Publication in Paris of Rousseau's Le...
First volume of Friedrich Melchior Gr...

Rameau and his work

Castor et Pollux (second version...
Letter from Rameau to marquis de Pole...
Rameau makes a request to the Menus-P...
For 21,500 livres, Rameau purchases t...
Première of La Naissance d'Osiri...
Première of Anacréon in the Théâtre d...
Première of Castor et Pollux (se...
First revival of Les Fêtes de l'Hymen...
Second revival of Platée ou Juno...
Les Fêtes de Polymnie (L'Histoire et...
Partial revival of Les Indes galantes...
Revival of Pygmalion at the Théâtre d...
Observations sur notre instinct pour...
Première of Castor et Pollux, a parod...

Rameau and his period

Birth of the Duc de Berry, future Lou...
Cahusac's La Danse ancienne et modern...
Death in Rome of Leclerc de La Bruère...
Until his death, Rameau lives rue des...
Letter from Rameau to Ducharger.

Rameau and his work

Rameau pays a deposit of 4,000 livres...
Claude-François Rameau signs an ackno...
Erreurs sur la musique dans l'Encyclo...

Rameau and his period

Birth of the Comte de Provence, futur...
Death of Royer in Paris.  
Retirement of the singer Pierre de Jé...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Death of Montesquieu in Paris.
Première of Zoroastre (second version...
Second revival of Les Fêtes d'Hébé ou...
Suite des Erreurs sur la musique dans...
Première of L'Amour impromptu, an ano...

Rameau and his period

Treaty of Versailles, establishing th...
Beginning of the Seven Years War (175...
Birth of Mozart in Salzburg.
Gossec composes his first symphonies....
Enée et Lavinie and Les Fêtes d'Euter...
Les Fêtes de Paphos by Mondonville pr...
Début of the singer Marie-Jeanne...

Rameau and his work

First letter from Rameau to Abbé Arnaud.

Rameau and his work

Letter from Rameau to Abbé Arnaud.
Subscriptions invited for Rameau's Co...
Rameau signs an exclusive contract wi...
Première of Les Surprises de l'Amour...
Second revival of Hippolyte et A...

Rameau and his period

Robert Damiens attempts to assassinat...
Birth of the Comte d'Artois, future C...
Death of Domenico Scarlatti in Madrid...
Haydn composes his first symphonies.
Francœur and (François) Rebel become...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Retirement of the singer Claude-...
Première at Saint-Germain-en-Laye of...

Rameau and his work

Rameau registers an annuity of 1,000...
Première of Procureur dupé sans...
First revival of Les Surprises de l'A...
Première of Anacréon, a parody by Sed...

Rameau and his period

Retirement of the singer Marie Fel.
Voltaire moves to Ferney.
Letter from Rameau to Abbé Arnaud.
Première of Dauvergne's Énée et Lavinie.
Last letter from Rameau to Abbé Arnaud.

Rameau and his work

Letters from Rameau to Padre Martini...
Letters from Rameau to Jacopo Beccari...

Rameau and his period

Death of Handel in London.
Première of Philidor's Blaise le Save...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Beaumarchais becomes harp teacher to...
Death in Paris of Cahusac, one of Ram...

Rameau and his work

Rameau receives 60,000 livres from Je...
Première of Les Paladins at the Acadé...
First revival of Dardanus (second ver...
Code de musique pratique publish...
Nouvelles réflexions sur le principe...

Rameau and his period

Birth of Cherubini in Florence.
Gossec composes his Missa pro defunct...
Première of Le Prince de Noisy by Reb...
Première of Dauvergne's Canente at th...
Death of Colin de Blamont.
FrancÅ“ur succeeds Colin de Blamo...
Noverre's Lettres sur la danse et sur...

Rameau and his work

Rameau is elected at Dijon's Academy...
Origine des modes et du tempérament&n...
‘Réponse de M. Rameau à la lettr...
Fifth revival of the Indes galan...
First revival of Zaïs at the Académie...

Rameau and his period

Death of the Duc de Bourgogne, the el...
Haydn enters the service of the Ester...
Première in Vienna of the ballet Don...
Last revival of Lully's Armide at the...
Première of Dauvergne's Hercule moura...
Première of Monsigny's On ne s'avise...
The Musique du Roi reorganised by edi...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Rousseau's Julie ou La Nouvelle Héloï...
Catherine II of Russia becomes Didero...
Death of Ballot de Sauvot, one of Ram...
Letter from Rameau to d'Alembert publ...
Letter from Rameau to Ducharger, publ...

Rameau and his work

Origine des Sciences, suivie d'une co...
‘Observations sur l’origine des Scien...
Rameau and his wife sign a nine-year...
Letter from Rameau to Edme Béguillet...
Partial revival of Les Fêtes de l'Hym...
Lettre aux Philosophes published...

Rameau and his period

Building commences on the Petit Trian...
Première in Vienna of Gluck's opera O...
Dauvergne and Joliveau become directo...
Première of Monsigny's opéra-comique,...
Début at the Académie royale de...
Rousseau's Contrat social ou Principe...
Rousseau's Émile, ou De l'Education p...
Rousseau leaves Paris after being con...

Rameau and his work

Presence of Rameau, his wife and his...
Rameau purchases seventy-six ‘Actions...
Rameau attends a rehearsal of Le...
Rameau and his wife travel to Fontain...
Revival of Dardanus (second version)...
Revival of Castor et Pollux (second v...
Revival of La Guirlande ou Les F...
L’Amante préoccupée published in...

Rameau and his period

Treaty of Paris, ending the Seven Yea...
Final preparations for the opening of...
Birth of Méhul in Givet.
Fire at the theatre of the Acadé...
Mozart's first stay in Paris.
Première of Dauvergne's Polyxène at t...
Première in Stuttgart of the ballet M...
Death of Marivaux in Paris.
Letter from Rameau to M. Casaubon.

Rameau and his work

Rameau ennobled by Louis XV and admit...
Rameau suffering from a ‘putrid fever...
Rameau's letters patent of nobility r...
Death of Rameau at his home, rue des...
Rameau buried in the cemetery of his...
Official inventory of the joint estat...
First memorial service celebrated at...
Rameau leaves 193,720 livres, a consi...
Second memorial service held at the c...
Third memorial service held at the Or...
Memorial service in Marseille. &...
Memorial service in Avignon. 
Marriage contract for Marie-Alexandri...
First revival of Castor et Pollu...
Third revival of Les Fêtes d'Hébé ou...
First revival of Naïs at the Aca...
Partial revival of Les Fêtes d'Hébé o...
Rehearsal (but no performance) of&nbs...
Rameau's Vérités également ignor...

Rameau and his period

Last hours of happiness for the royal...
Death of the marquise de Pompadour.
Death of Locatelli in Amsterdam. ...
Haydn composes his Symphony no. ...
Death of Leclair.   &n...
Dauvergne obtains the reversion of Fr...
Académie royale de musique trans...
Voltaire's Dictionnaire philosophique...

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1683 1690 1695 1700 1705 1710 1715 1720 1725 1730 1735 1740 1745 1750 1755 1760 1764